The Blessing Basket Project is the brainchild of Theresa Carrington. They pay Prosperity Wages® to artisans in Bangladesh, Madagascar, Uganda and Ghana for their beautiful baskets and hand-woven crafts. These wages are about 250% higher than ‘fair trade’ wages, enabling artisans to work their way out of poverty, and become independent entrepreneurs by starting a more sustainable and profitable business – no longer living hand-to-mouth.

The Blessing Basket Project has used their funds to dig wells, build schools, and truly break the cycle of poverty wherever they work.

DawaDawa is The Blessing Basket Project’s latest effort to change the world by extending their sales channel. This innovative program allows schools to sell their products like they would ‘traditional’ fundraisers (Wrapping paper? Coupon books you’ll never use? Really?), while providing teachers and students access to curriculum that is consistent with the Common Core guidelines.

dawadawa catalog

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David Meyer

There are a lot of great story-tellers, but there aren’t enough story-understanders. When clients have trouble explaining a new value proposition, David can name that tune in fewer words than they imagined possible. When prospects come to us with a symptom, David asks the (sometimes hard) questions that get to the root of the problem. Then he solves it. After decades in account management and creative roles, David is able to bridge the gap between creatives and clients (and back). Oh, and he can tell stories, too.

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