Blog | Spoke Marketing

Hey doc, I need an antibiotic.

Written by David Meyer | Sep 18, 2018 5:00:00 AM

Most of the time they’ve self-diagnosed what’s causing their pain, and think that all they need is a shiny new marketing tool/ panacea and everything will be unicorns and rainbows. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works.

Think like a doctor. Ask yourself the hard questions. Business owners need to take a big picture look at their business to cure the disease, not the symptom. After enough years, we’ve got a custom-built client decoder.

The list goes on and on.

Just like the doctor, we need to find out what’s causing the problem before throwing ‘solutions’ at it. With the end of the year rapidly approaching, now is as good a time as any to reflect on what you’d like to accomplish with your business next year (and don’t think symptoms).

Prequalify leads more accurately?
Increase online conversion rates?
Improve awareness among a high margin target?
Concentrate efforts on tactics with the highest potential ROI?
Just like your doctor, your agency isn’t likely staffed with mind readers (although, my grandmother was a gypsy for the record). Before you start running to the medicine cabinet, wasting time and money (and maybe creating some ‘superbug’), try to figure out what’s causing the pain first.