All posts from marketing

EVERYONE ELSE’S BLOG SUCKS (and they torture puppies)

While determining the best media for a client is always done on a case-by-case basis (considering bu...

Getting The Right Leads (with a good ROI)

Now, let’s talk about how to reach qualified leads to maximize your ROI. As simple as it sounds, the...

Resolution #2: Follow Your Marketing Plan

Now that you’ve determined your marketing strategy, it’s essential to plan the tactics to help you r...

The Voice of the Customer

Beyond listening to the customer, it is equally important to visibly demonstrate that your company b...

If you build it (correctly), they will come

The truth is, executing an efficient lead generation campaign doesn’t have to be a drain on resource...

The Evolution of Banner Ads

Not so long ago, the banner ad was an industry joke. Sure, there were incremental improvements; the ...

Marketing Myopia Revisited

I was reminded of this gem of marketing commentary as it was handed out in a boardroom breakfast. Th...

I can’t say ‘squishy ball’ with a straight face.

The strategy for your tradeshows should dovetail with your overall marketing efforts, which likely r...

Why Referrals Work

When a prospect calls, we always find out how they heard about us, or why they chose us. Then, we (s...

Not All Anchors Weigh You Down

Creating an anchor piece for your brand. Business owners and operators need to make hundreds of deci...

What’s your story?

You have a story to tell. Spoke can create the next chapter as we uncover what moves your customers and the sales needle.