Blog | Spoke Marketing

Vision Quest: Learning from the past. Planning for the future. Manifesting in the present.

Written by David Meyer | Aug 2, 2024 8:56:52 PM

What you are about to experience is an introspective reflection of where our Spoke and client family has been, where we are now, and where we visualize going forward in our shared marketing and brand storytelling journey.

Join us on this path in the paragraphs below.

The (Recent) Past.

Like many meaningful self-discoveries, it all started by questioning our WHY. With a little introspection, we made an important discovery. At heart, we are storytellers and have the unique ability to humanize brands and make their benefits tangible by understanding the true value our clients deliver. We passionately believe that within every business lives a deeper, human purpose. 

When we start with each client, we certainly don’t know it all, but we know the right questions to ask to get at the core of the true brand promise. And our teams have the ability to think deeply and explain simply. We can turn often complex stories into digestible, compelling messaging and clean, beautiful design.

“At heart, we are storytellers and have the unique ability to humanize brands.

The need for a brand to make an authentic, human connection with customers is critical to closing the deal. And it all starts with a story. We back these compelling stories with MarTech resources to optimize marketing strategies that move the sales needle toward the desired outcome. Captivating messaging is a beautiful thing – but only if it reaches the right audiences and they are inspired to take positive action. 

By the end of ‘23, our team had gelled better than anyone could have imagined. The trust they had among each other was inviolable. They didn’t just have each other’s backs; they knew theirs was covered, too. This gave them the security to push the envelope and the confidence to push each other. Challenge Everything (one of our core values) wasn’t a threat; it was a promise. 

The Present.

Ego has virtually disappeared. When we present work, it is not ‘I did this’ or ‘I thought that’ it’s ‘we.’ Sure, everyone has pride of ownership, but they do it without being territorial or defensive. We focus on what’s best for the client at all times, even if it costs us a bit more or makes us a bit less.

We are looking at things with an open mindset, seeing things differently, and thinking bigger. As a company Running on EOS®, we are using our experiences to focus on helping similar companies translate their visions into tangible marketing goals and results. We developed a workshop to share our marketing wisdom to the benefit of others. 

This marketing and knowledge also syncs well with any company that has a vision and wants to enhance its brand story and offering. After doing some project work, word got out, and more web and digital projects are rolling in. During this time, we are able to test different AI tools and discover which ones work best for us and deliver the most value for our clients. 

We are learning that AI alone doesn’t always help us find the answers. It is our ‘Real I’ deep thinking and experience that allow us to ask the right questions and get the results we desire.

In the spring of ‘24, business continues to come in, and we continue to hone our process to turn company visions into brand messaging. Once we finish a Messaging Framework, we move directly into helping our clients identify their marketing goals – and then execute and achieve them. We also create their marketing scorecard (often through HubSpot), updating it for their review and using it to both improve the efficiency of their marketing and inform their marketing objectives for the following quarters.

“These relationships, inspired by brand storytelling, are beneficial to both our clients and Spoke.” 

We have a roster of clients who love us. They are as protective of our process, our time, and our culture as we are. We have captured lightning in a bottle, and nobody wants to do anything to lose the magic we’ve created. These relationships, inspired by authentic brand storytelling, are beneficial to both our clients and Spoke. 

The Future.

Our teams have grown, but it still feels like family. While we mix it up more internally, each client is paired with a core creative team. These teams start out with every new client and stay with them until it makes sense to switch it up. The Destination Mapping (using brand marketing to take our clients from where they are now to where they want to be™) is all done with fresh thinking, insights, and authenticity. 

The work flows through the system frictionlessly without degrading the quality of the work. The initial creative vision flows uninterrupted as each milestone is delivered. The continual success and growth of our agency is a direct result of our relentless focus on helping our clients define, develop, and communicate their brand stories in a meaningful and authentic way. 

“Our relentless focus is to help our clients define, develop, and communicate their brand stories in a meaningful and authentic way.”

The goals of our clients become our own and we seamlessly work together as partners in progress toward a productive future. Oh, and right about now, a glimmer of sunlight peeks out from behind the clouds conveying a feeling of hope, warmth, unity, and contentment. Because ultimately the future is now. 

Ready to learn more about our refreshingly human approach to brand storytelling and marketing? Our vision is integrated into our new website, where you’ll discover why we practice what we preach, what we do to help our clients generate and sustain customer loyalty, and how our talented team creates messaging that sells. Take your first step on your journey with us now.