Washington University Education

A smarter way to increase enrollment.


Destination Mapping

Messaging Framework


Brand Anchor




Managed Assets


Customer Data Platform



Increase in Leads Generated


Increase in Conversion Rate


Reduced Cost Per Engagement


Working professionals want to get "unstuck" from the corporate middle.

In today’s highly competitive business world it’s all too common to just be an employee number and never rise to a higher level of management. What we learned is that these professionals wanted to get out and move up into leadership roles. They knew they were born to lead. The roadblock to moving forward? They lacked the educational backing to jump them into that leadership role. Just as important: If they went back to school it had to meet their busy schedule, not the university’s.


Our Understanding

"Leadership training programs can contribute a 25% improvement in learning, 28% improvement in on-the-job leadership behaviors, 20% improvement in overall job performance, 8% improvement in subordinate outcomes, and 25% improvement in organizational outcomes.”

Forbes (2022)


Advanced eduction has to have an ROI for the student.

Working a 9 to 5 corporate job, plus living a life, doesn't leave much time for going back to school for anyone. What these professionals are willing to make time for is the opportunity to learn how to become a workplace leader. They aspire to turn a job into a career full of leadership opportunity. Washington University's Technical Leadership Program had everything in place to offer just that kind of career and salary advancement.

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Our Takeaway

There are people who are born to lead, but aren't on that promotional path. What they lack is the proven training to help them qualify for advancement into a professional leadership position. The practical skills they gain by earning a Technical Leadership Certificate at WashU will get them there, and beyond. What they learn is leadership skills required for making a positive impact where they work now, or wherever their career takes them.


Learn to Lead.

There was a low awareness of the Leadership Certificate Program at Washington University. One reason for this was that their existing website was overwhelming, the UX wasn’t intuitive, and the messaging failed to clearly communicate the program benefits. What was in place was the university's proven reputation for turning aspiring leaders into leaders for life. Using this Leadership for Life theme, Spoke created a user-friendly microsite and a targeted nurture campaign that aligned with the buyer journey. More importantly it tapped into the emotional and human mindset of this target. This brand story assured these aspiring leaders that way out of a corporate dead end job was just a class away.

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“We had the right program in place, we had the right teachers, and we had the right schedule to attract students. What Spoke did was find those students to build our program and reputation for academic success.”

Joe Streit | Director

Technology & Leadership Center at Washington University in St. Louis


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