Inbound, lead generation marketing takes several forms, and to be effective consists of multiple integrated tactics.

Merely blogging isn’t going to ring the register; positioning yourself as a thought leader, category authority, and innovator will. Driving inbound leads can only be accomplished with detailed planning and precise execution. Content creation is undoubtedly a key but screaming into a void will just get you a sore throat. But, when combined with traditional and digital advertising (including remarketing), SEO, SEM, email, and marketing automation it will move the needle every time.



Perhaps the best (and most underutilized) tool in your arsenal is marketing automation.

We’ve implemented campaigns with virtually every program out there, but 80% of the time we deploy either Hubspot, Eloqua, Marketo, Pardot, or Sharpspring.

Marketing automation is  measurable and flexible. A/B testing empowers you to continually improve messaging, calls to action, and the types of content you share. When supported by the right technology stack, marketing automation is truly a knife that gets sharper with use.


What’s your story?

You have a story to tell. Spoke can create the next chapter as we uncover what moves your customers and the sales needle.