Shouldn’t all creative be high impact?

Effective creative always has to walk the fine line between being arresting while still clearly communicating key messages both visually and verbally. The creative should never be the hero; the client is. The goal of marketing isn’t to have prospects buy amazing creative concepts; it’s to have them buy our clients’ products and services.


Well, yes. Kind of.

But, for many large sales with a traditionally long sales cycle, the unexpected ‘high touch’ campaign is the perfect push to move prospects along the buyer’s journey. No, these campaigns aren’t cheap on a per/unit basis – but they’re worth it. The key is to identify the prospects who are most likely to purchase and then tailor the message and creative to address their specific needs.

Sure, the campaigns are fun, but most importantly, they’re highly effective. We’ve sent prospects bricks with messages screen printed on them, flying pigs with sound chips, inflated beach balls, cardboard chairs, 3D ViewMasters, lunch boxes filled with M&Ms, and shredded money in IV bags. You name it, we’ve either sent it or brainstormed it.


When the piece is timed perfectly with the follow up from the salesperson using the right messaging, the deals close. The highest impact of all is on our clients’ bottom line.

What’s your story?

Let’s create your next chapter and uncover what moves your customers and the sales needle.