SHAIP AI Technology

Branding AI with smart thinking.


Destination Mapping
Messaging Framework


Brand Anchor


Managed Assets & PPC


Value of Leads Generated

Oracle, Nvidia, Soundhound and Samsung brought into pipeline for new AI initiatives.


First Year Revenue Generation

Sales increase was within one year of launching the website and campaigns.


Year over Year Projected Growth

Based on actual revenue growth and robust sales pipeline.


Artificial Intelligence made smarter by human intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) drives today’s world. From smartphones to smart cities, data is the brains behind technology that can think. The challenge? This data is often in a raw, unstructured form that cannot power AI and ML to think in logical ways. And giving structure to this data is what Shaip does best. What Spoke does best is bringing even the most complex service offerings to life.


Our Understanding

"75% of all enterprises will shift from piloting to opationalizing AI by 2024, driving a 5X increase in streaming data and analytics infrastructures.”

Gartner, Top Trends in Data & Analytics


Technology can be complex. The story shouldn't be.

AI data is all about zeros and ones. It’s not as cool as selling a sports car or a music concert. Or is it? At Spoke, we believe a client can’t achieve success without a brand that appeals to a target's truly human desire of wanting something that is new, better and helps them achieve a desired outcome. So we told a story that no other AI data provider was telling through the perspective of the end user. This messaging point of difference lived within a design framework that was just as unique and appealing to the target.

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Our Takeaway

It’s a big world out there. But it’s made smaller by AI and the data that powers it – all made possible by Shaip. Their fully managed data platform (with a human in the loop) is designed for companies looking to solve their most demanding AI challenges. What they help them achieve are smarter and faster results for everything from healthcare to technology. This is the Shaip difference, where better AI data means better AI results.


Making the complex digestible.

Enriching AI is all about data structure. And Shaip had a decade of experience in structured data for healthcare. But how do you take that experience and reach companies with AI initiatives in insurance, finance, and technology? The journey to success started with Destination Mapping where we began to map out a brand direction focused on a clear benefit: Better AI Data. Better results. It took their complex offering and turned it into something easy to understand as buyers went from asking “who is Shaip?” to “we need to talk with Shaip, today.”


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